Worcester, MA | Philadelphia, PA | Chaparral, NM
What makes a successful reunion? Good people, good food, a welcoming community, and lots of laughter!
On July 13th, 2013, eight AMA alums and one spouse joined for a day of reunion, recollection, and looking ahead to future alum involvement. Coming from Maryland, Virginia, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, and Ohio, this group represented site placements of Worcester, MA; Newcastle, England; L'Arche Bognor-Regis, England; and Chaparral, NM. They also spanned the years from 1998 to 2012! Such unity in diversity!
After we heard from alums and RA's, the alums took some quiet time to reflect upon the pictures, cards, and mementos from their year. Telling the story of an AMA year through physical items and memories plays a large part in keeping the values of solidarity, faith, service, and community alive in our present situations. Next came a pizza and salad lunch from Frank's Pizza and the Lansdale community! Delicious!
The Lansdale community generously welcomed us into their community room and beautifully finished basement for sessions throughout the day. The basement features a portrait of the foundress by Sr. Helen David Brancato, IHM sister and friend of the Assumption. Led by Sr. Helen, the RA's painted on canvas and then quotations from Marie Eugenie were superimposed on their paintings. These hang around the space. How appropriate to be surrounded by the spirit of our foundress!
After crafts and video interviews were finished, we talked about ways to increase AMA alum involvement with the current volunteers, the video, Assumption Together, the AMA logo, and the volunteers that will be coming in August. This fruitful conversation ended just in time to join the sisters for Evening Prayer (Vespers), a few group pictures, and then off to Mass at St. Stan's Parish, which is within walking distance to the Lansdale community. Most alums joined the community for dinner after the Mass.
Thank you to all who made this day possible!