Worcester, MA | Philadelphia, PA | Chaparral, NM
Wisdom 12 : 13, 16 - 19
Romans 8 : 26 - 27
Matthew 13 : 24 - 43
The Good Sower
Right now, if you look out our kitchen window, you’ll be rewarded with a view of several magnificent, seven foot high, close-to-blossoming . . .weeds. Thistles, in fact. Rising up from right under the window, they’re so close to it that they interfere with the casement’s opening and closing. But they haven’t been cut down or otherwise rooted out. Nope, they’re staying put. Why? There are several reasons, including their size and the ferocity of their thorns (not to mention our love of Scotland), but the most important has to do with birds. Goldfinches love thistle seed. Very soon they’ll be swarming all over those plants, flashing their bright yellow plumage and delighting us all as they gorge themselves. If “an enemy [had] done this,” my guess is that certain bird-lovers in the community would thank him! (What the beleaguered gardener might say cannot be recorded here.)
-- Sr. Nuala Cotter, R.A.