Worcester, MA | Philadelphia, PA | Chaparral, NM
One hundred years of Clem! From September 17, 1908 to September 17, 2008 that's how long this world has been blessed with the presence of our dear Sr. Clemencia, better known to us all as Clem. One of the high points of our Province Assembly this year was celebrating this happy occasion, and celebrate we did, with song and dance and cake!
With all of the Sisters of the U.S. Province, and in the company of Sr. Diana, our Superior General, and Sr. Martine and Sr. Katrin of the General Council, we honored and celebrated the life of this extraordinary woman from the little town of Alimodian in Iloilo, Philippines who has made the United States her home for the last sixty years.
The communities mustered all their creativity in composing songs and poems for her, but were put to shame by Clem's own dance and song -- proof positive that like wine, she only gets better with age!
Try singing this along with us as your own birthday tribute to our Centennial Sister!
(Sing to the tune of Darlin Clementine)
In a convent up in Lansdale
In the parish of Saint Stan,
Lives a lady of a century
And her name is Sister Clem!
Oh our darlin, oh our darlin,
Oh our darlin Sister Clem --
Not too tall, but what a big heart,
Youre our darlin, Sister Clem!
In the Philippines (thats in Asia)
Born a hundred years ago,
Clem said b bye to Alimudian
To Assumption she did go.
Clem did sewing Clem did growing
In many places on the map
From the Val right to Miami
Love and bobbins filled her lap.
What about when she first voted
Though not yet a citizen?
The officials were won over
By that twinkle and that grin!
Now in Lansdale, where the people
Cherish her as one of them,
If the voting were tomorrow,
Thered be a landslide for our Clem!
Happy birthday, Clem!