Worcester, MA | Philadelphia, PA | Chaparral, NM
With great joy, the U.S. Province received Sandra Sandy Soley as a novice on September 8th, 2007. In the presence of her Philadelphia community and other Sisters from Lansdale and Worcester, Sandy -- now known as Sr. Catherine Anne -- received the cross, rosary and habit: signs of her continuing journey as a Religious of the Assumption.
From the ceremony of the reception to the novitiate:
Sr. Mary Ann (Provincial): Sandy, what do you ask?
Sandy: Drawn by God's mercy, I have come here to learn your way of life. I ask you to teach me to follow Christ crucified and to live in chastity, poverty, and obedience. Teach me to persevere in prayer and penance in the service of God's people and to recognize the oneness of all in your Son, Jesus Christ. Teach me to be one with you in heart and mind. Help me to live out the Gospel every day of my life. Teach me your Rule and help me to love our sisters as Christ commanded us.
Sr. Mary Ann: May God in his mercy be with you always and may Christ, our teacher, enlighten us all. Amen.
As Sandy, now Sr. Catherine Anne, received the Cross, Rosary and Habit, Sr. Mary Ann prayed:
Receive this Cross: Like Christ, you will know love's cost and the victory of life over death. May your life in the following of Christ be adoration and love. May you be a living witness of his presence in your community and in the world. Amen.
Receive your Rosary: Like Mary, be attentive and open to the Word of God which transforms and makes you fruitful. Like Mary, let the Trinitarian Life take over in you. May you become a woman of prayer and action, attentive to others, especially the poor. Amen.
Sister Catherine Anne, may the Lord clothe you with a new self, a new creation in God, in the justice and holiness of the truth. Amen.
Sr. Mary Ann: It is You, Lord, who calls us. Listen to the prayer of your children. Let Catherine Anne, who desires to begin the Novitiate, know your will and strengthen her in your service. May you complete in her the work of holiness that you have begun. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Please join us in our prayer for and with Sr. Catherine Anne. If you would like to send her a note of encouragement or assure her of your prayer, you can email [email protected]
If you would like to inquire about the novitiate and how you can become a Religious of the Assumption, please email Sr. Mary Ann.