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The First International Congress of Assumption Together took place in Leon, Spain, from August 4 - 8, 2010.
All the provinces of the Religious of the Assumption were represented [24 countries], including Sr. Clare Teresa, RA and Ron and Maria Day who went in the name of the Sisters and Friends of the Assumption in the USA.
United as one family, sisters and laity experienced the joy of being together and the mutual enrichment found in sharing different experiences of living the Assumption charism.
Below is the message of the participants of the Congress addressed to all the Sisters and Friends of the Assumption around the world. The Congress had as its theme: "Assumption Together: A Charism for the World."
August 8, 2010
Dear sisters and friends:
Since we arrived in Leon on Tuesday evening we have had you all very present, as we went through the deep and joyful experience of being Assumption Together -- all the different provinces of the Congregation: twenty four nations, united by the charism of the Assumption.
During this week we have lived a number of things we would like to share with you. You will not be surprised to hear that in Leon we were given the warm welcome reserved for members of your family and that we have had the joy of feeling that we belonged together, we shared the tradition and common language of the Assumption, despite our different backgrounds. You can imagine our multi-lingual interaction during breaks, meals and outings!!
One of the threads of this congress appeared already in the first talk, a call to be prophets, to look and feel the world as God does, brave to denounce and to dream. We have also realized that we can draw the force of a full life from the philosophy and passion of Mother Marie Eugnie. In the combination of her three passions (love, faith and the realization of Christ's law) we can unify our lives. Joyful detachment is a means of simplification of our lives, which enables us to get closer to God.
Through the presentations on the reality of each province, we have appreciated their efforts and creativity in being Assumption Together and getting involved in the extension of the Kingdom. We have also shared personal experiences of opening to interreligious dialogue, going through war and reconciliation with your people, balancing contemplative and active life from a lay perspective, and community involvement in JPIC-S.
Together we have studied the Way of Life, an invitation to live life with a concrete lay vocation. We have also revised the document on the missions and competences of the provincial and national representatives, and talked about the functions and structure of the CPAE (Conseil Permanent dAssumption Ensemble). Communication, both within the provinces and at the international level, has been a common concern and a call to co-operate. We are positive that this opportunity will enable us to improve in this regard.
The incredible richness of liturgy, prepared by different countries and with different shapes (morning prayer and Mass, evening prayer, community adoration) has taken us beyond our boundaries and has been in itself a celebration.
In our cultural visit to the old part of Leon, we could appreciate the long Christian history, represented in the Basilica of San Isidoro and the Cathedral.
We will now go back to our homes all over the world with the force and the challenge to disseminate what we have learned and experienced during this week. We entrust it all to the Lord and ask him to bless us and accompany us in our mission.
Love and friendship in Christ and Saint Marie Eugenie from all the participants in the Congress.
International Congress of Assumption Together
August 4 - 8, 2010
Leon, Spain