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Deuteronomy 11: 18, 26 - 28
Romans 3: 21 - 25, 28
Matthew 7: 21 - 27
Explanatory Note:
The theme of justice plays an important part in the Gospel of Matthew. Justice, in the broad sense, means acting in the way that God requires.
Having come to accomplish all justice, Jesus reveals by both his words and actions the true nature of the justice which should animate his disciples. God made a Covenant with his People, but the reciprocity of the relationship supposes that the people respect the divine demands inherent in the Covenant.
Jesus concludes his teaching for the disciples, showing them the direction their lives should take and exhorting them not to reduce his Word to a discourse that has to be interpreted and understood. Rather, it should become a source of life and motive for action for them and for every believer. It presents the alternative before which each person is placed: two opposed directions without possibility of any middle way. First, He denounces the contradiction that can exist between saying and doing (7, 21-23). The disciples will be judged according to their fidelity in conducting their lives according to the Father's will, as revealed and interpreted by Jesus. Then, Jesus passes to a metaphor concerning two houses (7, 24-27), which reminds them that true disciples build their lives on God by putting into practice the teaching received.
The Book of Deuteronomy teaches that hearing the commandments means putting them into practice (Deut 11, 32). Humans have entire liberty in choosing to follow them or not; but this fundamental choice is a choice between benediction and malediction (Deut 11, 26), between a wise and a stupid attitude (Mt 7, 24. 26). The blessing of God is life, and free; but, however effective it may be, it is not automatic and remains subordinated to human obedience.
Jesus' teaching traces a path of Life which we are called to follow with absolute confidence. Let us be men and women who build their projects on God, our rock and fortress(Ps 30, 3-4), on God's will revealed to us by Jesus. Let us enter Jesus' school and find the gentle and humble Master who tells us that " my yoke is sweet and my burden light" (Mt 11, 30). Let us dare to believe that following Him means finding Life!
—Sr. Sophie Ramond, R.A.