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Isaiah 66: 18-21
Hebrews 12: 5 - 7, 11 - 13
Luke 13: 22 - 30
Jesus is going up to Jerusalem, and any reader who wants to be his disciple is invited to take the same road. He is teaching and we are among those listening to his Word. But the question of the anonymous person asking if only a few will be saved reminds us that knowing Jesus and his message is not the only criterion of salvation. Those who have not received the Gospel will be judged by their actions. Here is the gathering of all the nations foretold by the prophet Isaiah.
For us, Jesus response holds other demands: from those of us who know Him more will be required than simply listening to the Word, the formal practice of religion, concern for our personal salvation. Do we, who eat and drink with Him at the Eucharistic Table, make our lives a gift of self and thanksgiving? Do we share with our brothers and sisters? We, who hear the word, do we put it into practice concerned with living ourselves what we proclaim?
The mission of Jesus looks to Jerusalem; and Jerusalem is the place of the Passover, the place where Christ gives his life for our salvation. Do we want to walk this path with Him? Jesus teaching is indeed Good News, but this good news is not a guarantee that we will be saved despite ourselves . It is our whole being that is called to follow Christ, for love of Him and of our brothers and sisters. Let us be of that group whose faith is active, in harmony with the faith they profess.
—Sr. Sophie Ramond, RA